Patient Earnings Entry Log

Data Dictionary for Patient Earnings Entries

Original Column Name Expanded Column Name Description
PtEarningEntID Patient Earning Entry Identifier A unique identifier for each entry in the patient's earnings log.
DescX Description X A detailed description of the entry X related to patient earnings.
Earning Earnings The amount of money earned by the patient.
EntMonthlyEQ Entry Monthly Equivalence The monthly equivalent amount of the patient's earnings entry.
EntYearlyEQ Entry Yearly Equivalence The yearly equivalent amount of the patient's earnings entry.
HoursPerWeek Hours Worked Per Week The number of hours worked per week recorded for the patient's earning entry.
NoPeriods Number of Periods The number of payment periods associated with the patient's earnings entry.
PtID Patient Identifier A unique identifier for the patient whose earnings are being recorded.
PtEarningID Patient Earning Detail Identifier A unique identifier for the detail record of patient earnings.
PPTypeID Payment Type Identifier A unique identifier for the type of payment received by the patient.
ProfofEarnings Proof of Earnings Documentary evidence or records that validate the patient's reported earnings.
ZUChkSum Audit Log Checksum A checksum value used in audit logs to verify the integrity of the entry data.
ZUDate Audit Log Date The date when the entry was logged in the audit history.
ZULogonHisID Audit Logon History Identifier A unique identifier for the logon event within the audit history related to this earnings entry.